Pretty incredible to power up and have my OS intact! Note to self: going from X58 to H67 means no reinstall (so far).
Performance looks where it should be, no issue except my TB Hitachi doesn't seem to list POST in AHCI mode.
Pump is almost purged and not so Whooshy anymore.
I need to finish the trim pieces that will go around the PSU.
I need to drill my retention pin system for keeping the RadBay doors closed while I carry it.
Everything else worked out like I knew a little something about what I was doing! :) Throughout the planning, fitting, cutting, etc. I had numerous thoughts that it "all seemed to be going pretty smoothly" considing I had ONE case, didn't have to recut or cover some cosmetic mistake, and all my wiring just...worked.
Now, I did destroy my first PSU, the Enermax, when I melted a switch that took over 700F from my soldering iron to get apart. But seriously, that PSU was like 6 years old!
I didn't buy a new PSU. I didn't buy a new GPU. I didn't buy new RAM. I didn't buy a new CPU block. I didn't buy a new SSD. I didn't buy a new storage drive.
Sponsors (in one fashion or another) provided:
Motherboard by Gigabyte
RAM by Crucial
Storage Harddrive by Hitachi
Monitor is still my 22" by iZ3d
Keyboard is my Ideazon won in PDXLAN raffle
Mouse is GX700 by Logitech
Headphones are Psyko 5.1s won in PDXLAN raffle
Radiators and fittings by DangerDen
Getting back into modding has been a nice process, even if I was stressed at times. But here I am, ready for Guild Gaming tomorrow night on my Refreshed Rig, and over 2 weeks before the LAN to finish my few, small tasks.
Thanks for watching...check back as the LAN approaches since I will be putting together more complete internal shots and going back over some of the "tricks" I used that I didn't stop to cover these last couple days.
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